Pumpkin Cottage

Pumpkin Cottage
sit and visit a spell

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Counting Down

Only 5 more working days left...yes,
I have landed a new job and a new adventure.


Divine intervention.

In my joy there is a sad thing.
The hardest thing is leaving those I love behind.
I have been blessed to have been sheltered from 
many a tremendous storm.
Ready, set, and here I go.

Did you make chains like this when you were little?
We used to use Juicy fruit and Double Mint wrappers.
And the zebra stripe gum.  What was that called?

Tonight there is no homework beckoning.
Nothing I should be reading just moments of peace.


  1. Oh Genie! I am SO EXCITED about your new job!!!!! I know you will be sad to leave one or two behind. But God has something so AWESOME for you ~ HIS BELOVED CHILD who deserves a new adventure. So ~ onward and upward Dear Friend! :)))

  2. Divine intervention. I prayed for a window and He, our beloved, provided it so lovingly. Oh yes, there are so many good people. My treasured warrior girlfriends who circled me with their prayer and love.



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