I promise this get along gang update was worth the wait. It has been pouring rain all week. We lost our electricity on Monday-a great adventure for the kids with glowing candle light from saintly candles. Us Catholics love our candles. Always looking for the joy. We have been sick, but that has not precluded road trips.
In anticipation of Michele and Duarte's wedding in February we revisited Turlock. The trip was planned primarily to get better acquainted with my niece's fiance and to better understand the essence of their relationship. We all had a wonderful visit. Lots of laughter and serious conversation about their marriage and future expectations. I am happy to say that it is apparent that they have already shared heartfelt and honest discussions.
During this visit to Central California we explored new venues:
Road side shops along State Route 99.
Check out the penny flooring. Jacob was facinated by the concept. The shop accepts donations of pennies.
Six hour tour. Goodness, I am so happy for quiet and reading time. Thank you honey for always taking the wheel. I finished my undergrad by reading while commuting on the train and road trips. Seriously. No motion sickness in this family.
As I have shared before, our roadtrip
targets are downtowns, antiques, bakeries, used bookstores, destination nurseries (really any nursery), American Cancer Society "Discovery Shops," and quilt shops. This is the
M & S Portuguese Bakery located in old downtown Turlock. We missed the goodies, because it closes at 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays and is closed all day Sunday. Looked yummy inside though full of traditional Portuguese pasteries, sweet bread and cookies.
The Turlock Portuguese Bakery. As luck would have it, the VoVo angel rides with us, we found another Portuguese bakery near by.
We visited Old Ty
Then we hit pay dirt, for me any way, Cloth and Quilts, the store looks small but isn't. At the back of the store were quilting long arms humming away quilting. We were all fascinated. Imagine what a time saver for the quilting bee ladies of long ago.
The kids had fun exploring this "tent" fabric.
My sweet peeps, now if you know me at all, you know that I am not happy unless I am purchasing the tiniest herb, flower or what not at a nursery. Something Lee will dread planting later. The Greenery is located a short walk from Cloth and Quilts. We brought back two sticks, seriously, an ollieberry (many variations in spelling) and a red raspberry. And these great pictures to share with you. This beautifully trained espalier apple tree. Be still my heart. It is dormant now but imagine its glory in the spring time. It is the first one I have ever seen in a nursery setting.
For another must have on our road trip-used records we detoured to Modesto. Not very well organized but a haven for those of us that don't mind the hunt.
Road trip home, you may recall that we stopped outside of the Chicken Pie Shop, in the Tower District of Fresno on our last road trip, but this time Lee actually went in and purchased pies.
Also, in Fresno, Gazebo Gardens, we ran out of time but I promise we will stop in for a visit next time.
There is plenty more to share, and I am only sharing the best of our adventure. Just a tease for now...Downtown Visalia. What a beautiful city. I know California is in a financial mess but what an amazingly beautiful and diverse state. Be proud to be a Californian.
What a fun trip. I Can't imagine how you did it all with two kids in tote and they look so happy. I love chicken pot pie....it looks so yummy.