Pumpkin Cottage

Pumpkin Cottage
sit and visit a spell

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Southern California Quilt Run

Whatcha doing for the weekend, they ask?
The Quilt Run, confused looks, then I explain.
The Get-Along has been doing the run for years.
We are all creatives, crafters  - of all types
are, for the most part, a welcoming group,
along the way there are all kinds of fresh
ideas, decorating loveliness, restaurants and
thrift stores in the surrounding areas.

Here's a sampling:

 The Quilter's Faire


Monica's Quilt and Bead

Quilter's Cocoon

Isn't this a great idea,  the Pumpkin Cottage is seeking a wine
bottle holder at the thrift stores we visit. 

More tomorrow.....

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