Pumpkin Cottage

Pumpkin Cottage
sit and visit a spell

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hit Pause with Crafts

What is the anatomy of time?
Living in the age of multitasking
is making us sick.  The craft
movement is the movement
of slowing time.

Visit to Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA

To craft is to pray, to meditate,
and slow our heart rates.  We
crave the stillness and quiet
of craft. The courtship of craft.

There is no way to speed up time
while creating. A gift of something
handmade is the precious gift of time
and love. 

Let your heart sign.

Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures,
and without friends even the most agreeable
pursuits become tedious.

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