If you have being reading along for a while, you already know of my love of dirt, wire and glitter but did you know I love lamps and chandeliers. Nothing fancy mind you, just grandma's cottage kind of lighting. Still this is not just any ordinary lighting. Most were picked up in thrift stores for less than $5 and the chandeliers for under $65. It is a team affair, Lee is the rewiring wizard and I clean, sand, and paint the new lighting.
While we were on vacation we completed this beauty:
Originally from Spain she started out a dingy gold color. |
This little charmer came from Utah. She was perfect just a bath and a rewiring job.
She is installed above my side of the bed for reading.
This weekend's victim:
Milk glass holds a special place in my heart.
It is old fashioned and classic all at the same time.
We considered painting the wood silver, black or white.
This time, we are going traditional cottage and the wood will
be white and the lamp shade is going. It's just too over powering
and drab. This one came from the Goodwill in Gilroy for $15.
Even though it was in good working order,
all our lamps are rewired. Safety first.
I love love love milk glass and my amazing grandma and mom have been collecting it for my hypothetical house for YEARS. I can't wait to inherit it. I will have you over for a milk glass party - Jess